Hello Carin, great episode! Wow, 50th anniversary is so huge. I'm so glad I found you. Following you have kept me consistent with living intentionally. I often pride myself on inspiring others, and motovating those around me, and with my nee finding of you, you have been a tremendous blessing to my life. All of the points you mention on the 50th episode were amazing, but there were a few that really stood out to me. #8 (going to playground and swing on the swings) was my all time favorite! I've been doing this for so long and you're right, letting that inner child come out and play is so detrimental to living a healthy life. #21.. bragging about yourself. Hard to do but very important. #12..moving your body. I particularly love this one because, I love to dance;however I know that I often hold back from letting myself completely go. I am going to work hard at accomplishing this task. So I say all that to say, thank you. As #39 would have us do is to list 10 people you're grateful for, You Carin are in my 10. Thank you for being you, for loving what you do, for inspiring us, and for being intentional about building sisterhood around the world.
March 14, 2019 by KimDanyel on Apple Podcasts